What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Return to PortalAll Timelines

upcoming releases

Timeline Name 0

DEC 20
DEC 20

Timeline Name 1

DEC 20
DEC 20
DEC 20
















Patch 1






At least 80% of all Extensions should now be available in the RC build by this date.

(Graphic manually updated weekly)

It's been 3 weeks since the Official release. Extensions that have not signed-off will now be uninstalled from all users' CET.

In-depth walkthroughs of upcoming features for PO, Sales, Marketing, Training, etc.

Each walkthrough will be conducted per feature.

The video links will be available on the R&D Sharepoint once any walkthrough is recorded.

You can email or send a meeting invite to the QA Lead if you have questions about the feature.

This content freeze period is generally for features to start being consistent for the purpose of Quality Assurance, and the Content Creation process.

At this point:

• Feature Complete
Features will stop being worked upon for the sake of feature consistency.
List of Features for the creation of Release Notes are to be added by following the process here.

• Pre-Release Deadline
Deadline to book pre-release meetings.
List of focus areas are to be included in this excel for QAs to perform Regression testing.

• Migration Guide Deadline
Migration materials (Developers and QA) created and in review.

• Support Article Request Deadline
If support articles are required, you must have asked for them.
How to Request Help Articles
Content Creation Jira Dashboard

The 2-week release window has ended, and we will begin deactivating Extensions from the Marketplace.

Deactivating means new users can't install the Extension in the Marketplace.
Users who still have the Extension in their CET can continue using it.

For more information:
- How to Sign off on Your Extension?
- What Happens If You Don't Sign off on Time?

The release window begins.
Two weeks from now, and we will begin deactivating Extensions from the Marketplace, if the Extension does not meet our Sign-Off requirements.

Deactivating means new users can't install the Extension in the Marketplace.
Users who still have the Extension in their CET can continue using it.

For more information:
- How to Sign off on Your Extension?
- What Happens If You Don't Sign off on Time?

Partner Extensions that are in the Official build box, and their respective Planned Release Dates (based on the information provided to us in the Sign-Off form) will be shared on the Help Center for all CET users to refer to.

To ensure a positive user experience with CET and its Extensions, an important step is for Manufacturers to Migrate, Test & Sign-Off on their Extensions before each release.

If your Extension is not Signed-Off yet, do check out this article on How to Sign-Off an Extension?

What Happens If You Don't Sign off on Time?

To ensure a positive user experience with CET and its Extensions, an important step is for Manufacturers to Migrate, Test & Sign-Off on their Extensions before each release.

Partners start Signing-Off their extension along with a Planned Release Date.

All Key Extensions should now be available in the Beta build by this date.

(Graphic manually updated weekly)

Migration Workshops are an opportunity for:

  • Partners to get updated regarding known migration issues from Configura.
  • Get interactive help from difficulties faced regarding migration efforts.

Register for the workshops in our Academy page.
It will be held every Monday for four weeks, beginning from the week after the Beta release.

The Migration Webinar is a 30 minute free Webinar where we explain the important highlights of this release's migration

It is hosted on our Academy page.

The product that's released to end-users on release day.

All new and updated help articles are published publicly today.

Configura expects partners to release their extensions during the 2-week extension release window.

If you do not release your extension on time, it will block users from updating to the latest version of the software, creating an undesirable experience for everyone involved.

Why test in RC?

Release Candidates are Beta build versions with the potential to be the final released product on release day. Testing in the RC gives a first-hand experience of what to expect when running your Extension on the released product.

You can further refer to the Migration: A Complete Guide help articles to guide you into placing your build into the RC build for us to test earlier.

Are there any guides I can refer to?

Why test in Beta?

Beta is a build that precedes RC. It requires testing after incorporating new features and fixes. Testing against Beta allows the team to identify issues in the core system and your extension at an early stage. Raising concerns during this period gives Configura time to have them addressed.

You can further refer to the Migration: A Complete Guide help articles to guide you into placing your build into the Beta build for us to test earlier.

Are there any guides I can refer to?